Design / Graphic Design

Custom Product Package Design

Packaging and design are huge elements of your company brand. In the Branding For Success eBook, we discuss how to use your logo, color scheme, and tag line to brand your business.

Let’s look a step further into your actual package design. It’s not just enough to stick a label on a bottle or muslin bag. You want your customers to know you put in hours of work and focused on all the details surrounding their future purchases.

Here are some examples of excellent product package design:

Honey Wood Product Design

Honey Wood Product Design

Minori Sake Product Design

Minori Sake Product Design

Tor Zur Welt Candles Product Design

Tor Zur Welt Product Design

Lily Lolo Product Design

Lily Lolo Product Design

The littlest details matter when it comes to your companies packaging. Several years later I still remember BlueFly has custom tissue paper with their name on it. That’s branding. That’s investing in your company.

Customizing your product labels and more can be very costly. However, we suggest finding ways to source local, as well as, working with a company that you can grow with. There’s nothing wrong with big companies, but they’re less likely to work with your budget and most likely will think your company is not beneficial for them in the long run.

Don’t just go to Office Depot and get labels. I have seen that numerous times before. It’s tacky. Ordering a beautiful item that comes in a dust bag with a sticker that ends up pulling off. Just source a local graphic designer. Give them the dimensions for all the products. Come up with three to four different concepts. This will help when you sit down with the local printing companies.

Think do you throw away your Henri Bendel, Kate Spade, Tiffany’s or Cartier boxes or dustbags. No, you keep them and store your pieces in them. You want your customers to keep the pieces of your brand too.

Are you looking to customize your products, packaging or more? What steps have you taken to make sure you are giving your customers that WOW factor when they lay eyes on your product for the first time.

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

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Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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