Design / Visual Concept

Establishing Call To Actions For Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Earlier this month I helped you create templates for your email marketing campaigns in Mailchimp. If you have not read that article check it out, it will help you with this piece. Email marketing is huge no matter the size of your business. It is essential that you are sending them out to your audience on a regular basis. What is, even more, is that the content is engaging them by starting a conversation, purchases, and more. Otherwise, your campaigns are not giving you an ROI for your business.

One of the most important things about your banners is that they establish action from your audience that causes them to engage be by sharing it, tweeting you, or purchasing something. That means directing them to do something. You can see by the images below they direct them to immediately do something.

Call To Action Banners In Mailchimp newsletter. | Imperfect Concepts #mailchimp #emailmarketing #calltoaction #smallbusiness

The graphics direct them to either Power Business Consulting or KSYE Consultation. If you are a product-based company you can direct them to specific products or even blog posts. It’s about leading them somewhere not just hoping they do.

Designing Your Visual Call To Actions

Sticking to your companies color scheme in your newsletters is important. You are making sure your building brand awareness. When you think Coca Cola you think red and white. When you think Pepsi you think Blue, Red, and white. You are conditioning your audience to who your brand is subconscious. Make sure your imagery in your newsletter is aligned with your brand. If you are a clean, crisp, and classic brand throwing spikes and neon colors will confuse your audience.

There are two important aspects of creating call to action for your email marketing campaign that bring you a ROI. | Imperfect Concepts #calltoaction #emailmarketing #newsletter #mailchimp

Hyperlinking Your Call To Actions Banners

Something very important when placing banners, graphics, and more in your newsletters make sure that you hyperlink the image too. People tend to click the most obscure places when reading. It’s better to make sure your call to action is all linked. When hyperlinking words make sure they are part of the color scheme too, don’t just leave them blue or black. You want them to pop out so people know to click, a call to action.

Hyperlinking Your CTA Banners Mailchimp. | Imperfect Concepts #mailchimp #smallbusiness #emailmarketing

I even use my section headers as a call to action in my newsletter. I let them know what is about to happen and nine times out of ten the word in the pink font is hyperlinked to direct them somewhere. Your email marketing is an extension of your website. You need to be directing your customers if you want it to produces results for your small business.

Every newsletter campaign you are sending out serves a purpose and you want to make sure you are receiving a return on your investment each time. Inserting a call to action in your email marketing will help you engage your audience, increase sales, and much more.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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