1. Glam-Aholic Cosmetic Pouch 2. iPhone Headphones 3. Idea Notebook 4. Highlighter 5. iPod 6. Keys 7. Advil 8. Wallet 9. lipstick & lip-gloss 10. Scrunchie 11. diaper
What’s your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment has to be the fact that I believed in myself enough to pursue my dreams. With so many years of doubting myself and finding excuses, I finally stepped out on faith and made it happen. I haven’t looked back since! (and never will lol)
What are three books you would recommend to our readers?
I’m a fashion blogger so the book that I love and often times refer back to is Fabulosity by Kimora Lee Simmons. The book that changed my way of thinking was The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. On the days that I get discouraged and need answers I always find my way flipping through my Bible.
What’s your advice to someone interested in starting their own business?
I always start off by telling people that YOU CAN DO IT! As cliche’ as it may sound, always know that anything that you put your mind to…you can make it happen. Follow your vision, plan and execute. I feel like a lot of people like to focus on their “competition” when that should be the least of their worries. Stay on your path with tunnel vision. When you begin to look around to see what everyone else is doing you’ll begin to lose focus.
Where do you receive inspiration?
I receive inspiration from everywhere! Now mostly from my readers, followers and supporters. Anytime someone lets me know that I inspire them, that is what inspires me to keep going. I also inspire myself. I’m really big on having a vision board and I love to add new dreams and goals, plotting on one day achieving them all. Looking at the board inspires so much!
If you could have one famous entrepreneur as your mentor who would it be?
OMG I can only pick one? lol It would definitely have to be a tie between Jay Z and Oprah. The way Jay Z has strategically molded himself from being a rapper to a businessman that continues to reinvent himself, while remaining the same person that we all fell in love with in 1996 amazes me. And Oprah doesn’t need any explanation!
Do you feel your life is balanced between work life and personal life? What is your favorite thing about running your own business?
Balancing my work and personal life is a bit of a struggle. Having two children (12 years old and 7 months), I have to stay on top of my time management. With being an entrepreneur I don’t work a 9-5, I pretty much work a 24 hour shift because I have to always remain on task. My children are my LIFE and I never want them to feel neglected, so no matter what I make time for my family. I also always take out personal time for myself so that I won’t get burned out. For those very reasons I love running my own business, I make my own rules. Along with being creative and innovative, I wouldn’t change a thing.
What is your indispensable gadget? My iPhone. I can’t be away from it for more than 5 minutes lol I feel so lost without it.
What is your favorite app? Instagram
Favorite account to follow on Twitter? I would for sure have to say @Myleik of CurlBox.
Favorite item in your closet? My favorite pair of cognac over-the-knee Steve Madden boots. I wear them Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall. Can’t live without them!
To learn more about Mia Ray and her company Confessions of a Glamaholic. Check out her site, follow on twitter and of course Instagram.
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