Customer Service / How To / Startup Life

Retaining + Obtaining Customers

The key to obtaining and retaining customers is right where people spend their most time… their smart phone shopping some store or engaging on social media. Today I am going to address one of the biggest questions I get: how can I obtain more clients and customers? My first question is always, “how are you treating your current customers or clients?”

Statistics show that it is easier to retain your current shoppers than it is to obtain new ones. This is simply because you have built trust with your customer and that person has become loyal to your brand.

Database of Customers

If you have not already exported your current customers information into an excel spreadsheet, do it now. When I launched Shop ICB, every time someone placed an order, I put it in a spreadsheet. Then, I would add more information about them if I found it out. For example, when a customer mentioned they were graduating college or law school, they would receive a card and a gift in the mail. Of course, it was never something extremely expensive, just a simple card and a bracelet to show I really did care about them. Having this customer database will show you the frequency of your shoppers and what they like to buy. Turn this into your focus group.

Ask for referrals

You receive in life what you are brave enough to ask for. Are you asking your customers, clients, or members to refer you? Think about big companies. They give you discounts and credits when you refer your friends. This is something easy that you can do for your business also. The greater majority of shopping carts have a loyalty program that can be implemented. Start a program for your business.

Word of Mouth

This touches on the same thing as number two: word of mouth is one the biggest ways to generate new customers for your business. Friends tell friends where they shop. We live in a society now where people like to brag and show off their latest product, gadget or piece of jewelry. Your company is one social media share away from going viral. Make sure you are giving your customers the best service every time. Word of mouth can break or make a company.

Many times, people put all of their efforts into obtaining new customers that they forget about the good loyal ones. Treat all your customers equally. They all can change your company dynamic in a blink of an eye. Getting to know your customers will help you grow your business. Plus, they will help you spot trends for what is working and isn’t working with customers more quickly.

ps. This is a great piece on spelling out great customer experience.


About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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