Be different, be adventurous, be funky! People tell you all the time how you’re supposed to be when you should actually just be yourself. If you aren’t quirky, hipster, nerdy, girlie or whatever else, don’t be. DARE to be you 100% off the time. Authenticity is truly original, and it will make you stand out.
I have always been Tasha, and I’m really good at it. People always told me when I was young that I was “nerdy, different, special and weird.” As an adult I still get that from people. Most of the time, I just give them ice cold stares because they are not saying it in a flattering way.
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Guess what?! Those derogatory terms have built my company to where it is now. They have made me comfortable in my own skin. They have let me into rooms filled with millionaires and billionaires talking investor portfolios and much more. Being Tasha has led to having breakfast with 5 Star Generals and former US Presidents.
My voice is my voice. I don’t change it to appease others. I think it’s cool to be nerdy. I read over 60 books a year, and I think that is normal. My parents focused on education, and as a kid I LOVED watching Jeopardy. (I even tried out for Teen Jeopardy and got to the second round!) I am proud of my knowledge. No, I am not the Einstein but I have a thirst for knowledge–so much so that my friends call me Google.
I am not a hipster, I am not really that girlie, and I hardly buy products that everyone else is buying (I’m frugal)! I know these things about me, and I fully embrace them. I know my flaws but I focus on my strengths and you should too!
If you could be one thing in life, be you. Self love is so important. In this world now we, are pushed to figure out what we want to be at such a young age. We are told what beauty is and asked to replicate that when we grow up. We are told what success is, and then constantly try to achieve that exact standard.
Define success, beauty and more for yourself! When you reach that level, redefine it. Be yourself.