First, let me point out it took forever to come up with a title I loved that in turned expressed what this article would be about. You see I am over people assuming others have to support your dream because you have it. No one has to support your dream but you. You have to be the driving force behind that idea that turns into a mission others get behind. Some will get behind the cause immediately, others it will take time and then you know the rest will follow. You see early on I realized one thing about equipping my friends and family aka my supporters with the right tools to uplift my business, I need to invite them personally.
That’s the step so many of us miss because we are consumed with people supporting us just because we posted it on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and every other social network out there. We didn’t invite them in an away that engages them to see this business is more than a mere dream of yours. It’s something that will change lives. Here are the three ways I have learned to equip my supporters with the right tools to uplift your business;
Scripted Email
The scripted email is my go to way to connect people with what I am doing no matter the project; it always yields results for me. Maybe two weeks before, I launch a company I write an email to my closes friends and family asking for their support. In the email, I outline what I am trying to do and how they can help me. That’s the key thing you need to guide them. Don’t just say hey girl I am launching a business and want your support. Below is an example of an email you can send.
- Follow my business on these social networks
- Share our social media channels with your friends
- Utilize this unique promo code for launch day
- Share this promo code with your friends and family
- Introduce me to anyone who would like to hear my company vision and mission.
Social Media Post
If you know that your friends are super active on social media providing them with a scripted social media post is a better route for you to take. First, you will need to provide several options for them. You will need a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Youtube content outlined for them. Provide them with a graphic they can utilize too. Studies have shown increased engagement when there is a graphic attached with the message being sent. When creating your social media scripted content keep in mind what platform it will be going on. Twitter has a 140 character limit, and you want to include your link + graphic. Creating a custom bitly link will help keep track of how is clicking for what message.