If you read 3 Tips On How To Style Your iInstagram Feed To Be Visually Appealing, I shared my little tip of hiding your hashtags with the dot trick. One thing, I noticed when I started using several different hashtags was that people would leave the most irrelevant comments on post. At first, I was really annoyed with their actions. I didnt want my user base to think I was paying for comments or likes by spam bots. Then I personally realized that some users have started utilizing auto comment and like programs that leave spammy style comments.
As small business who are truly trying to grow their following on platforms such as Instagram it can be quiet annoying to get these style comments. You might even think, “why I don’t I just sign up for auto comment programs to grow my following”. First, please do not do that because you will be breaking Instagram Terms of Service you agreed to when you first signed up. Secondly, you can grow your channel on the platform with comments and not be spammy at the same time.
Three and One Trick
This is something I learned last year from Tiffany of T+J Designs on how to truly gain followers, but engage my followers too. For every three likes you leave a comment. A meaningful comment that actually connect with the image you are seeing. So many times, people would write “beautiful photo” or “OMG I die” under a quote photo. Which, makes no sense if its not related. Setting aside an hour each day to go on your followers page and like three photos. Then leave a comment under a photo that you like. To take this trick up a notch go on the explore page and find similar people and do the same thing.
Spammy Comment Block
Instagram has caught onto people who leave too many of the same style comments on photo’s. If you are trying the three and one trick to help you grow your business. Then you must not use the same style comment on every photo. When I first started doing this trick I did have some of the same comments. Instagram would then notify me that comment is spam like. Preventing me from leaving that style comment again.
Keyboard Short Cuts
One of the best things, I learned was doing keyboard short cuts to help with my one hour time limit. Here is a simple break down
GR8B = great blog post
LYOF = love your outfit
TYFR = thank you for reading
YGTG = you got this girl
I am not always using the short cuts but they do help when it has been a blog post I stopped to read or do love their outfit. Sometimes, I truly just prefer putting dancing girls or hearts under comment section. If one of my clients post a great visual photo, I will post the emoji with the heart eyes.
Engage Your Audience
As stated before in, Your Business Instagram Should Focus On Lifestyle Not Selling too many small business are trying to land a sale from their audience. Make sure when you are personally posting photos to your feed that you are opening up your page to receive questions. Asking a question is always a great way to engage and connect with your audience. I love asking my audience what they want to see on the blog or Youtube. Yes, I have a billion ideas for content. However, none of it matters if it doesn’t resonate with you my audience.
Growing your Instagram channel does not have to be a plethora of work or spammy comments. Take the time to try the three and one trick with meaningful comments. Engage your audience that is already there too.
Images by Chronicles of Frivolity + The Every Girl