Design / Graphic Design

Life Hack For The Creative Business Owner

When launching a business there are days that you have to wear the owner, accountant, lawyer, graphic designer, AND logistics department hat all in the course of three hours. That can be overwhelming and stressful for the creative business owner. Trust and believe, the first three years of business I was wearing all types of hats. Then I learned how to hire a part time staff member and acquire interns to help facilitate my business needs quicker. However, there are days that I still need to get the ball rolling on my own. I wanted to introduce you to a life hack that will save you time and money. They were created by two cool small business owners. D'Brand Box Chamomile from BluChic


Meet Brand In A Box, from the founders of Bluchic. Kathie and Andrew started their business in 2008 to help business owners launch their business without breaking the bank. DBrand Box Isabelle from Bluchic


Are you needing business cards, Facebook/Twitter banners, and newsletter format? Let’s all shake our heads yes in unison. If you could see where Imperfect Concepts started we would all laugh together. Oh how its grown in the last couple years, heck lets be honest, in the last six months. This simple “digital box” comes with everything you need to launch your social media and online presence all for ONLY $30. All the images come in photoshop created layers. Very easy to edit. If you don’t know how to photoshop you can hire someone from Fiverr to do the edit. At most you’ll spend $60 total for the brand in the box + fiverr edits. Thats a pretty sweet deal. D'Brand Box: Marilyn from Bluchic


D'Brand Box: Jacqueline from BlueChic


This is the perfect life hack for the small business owner who is not a graphic designer and has a tight budget when it comes to creating things for their brand. The company also sells templates for websites. However, I believe the D’Brand Box is genius. Hopefully, they launch even more options this fall. D'Brand Box: Beverly from BluChic


What are your thoughts about D’Brand Box? Is this something that your small business can use to save money while looking even more professional?

Don’t forget to enter our TemplateMonster.com WordPress template giveaway.

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About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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