How To / Startup Life

Eight Business Ideas You Can Launch Today

The saying goes that ideas are a dime a dozen, what truly matters is the execution of those said ideas. However, I beg to differ with that notion for the fact I met people constantly who are struggling to determine what type of business they want to launch. They know for fact they want to run to launch their own company and change the climate of the small business industry. Personally, I can sit down with someone and listen to them talk non stop and formulate a list of business ideas and action steps. So, if you’re looking for a side hustle or an actual business concept today’s post is dedicate to you. 

First late me note the main issue people have with launching a business or formulating the said ideas for their business concept has more to deal with the climate of the industry they are trying to embark on. Its important to find niches within your industry and move your focus for the first year or two on your local audience, as I discussed in How To Grow Your Local Clientele Roster.

Real Estate Photographer

You might be thinking girl is that even a real business. Yes, if you register a domain, get you an EIN, set up your legal entity, get a bank account and connect with local real estate agency. How this idea came to be actually. Earlier this year, I started the journey of looking for my first home to buy. When looking at photos on real estate websites I noticed how low quality they were. Shared my new finding with a friend who knew some real estate agents. This landed him several gigs for his hobby for photography.

Social Media Teacher

Living in a relatively small town, I am very aware of how many of the local businesses had presences before social media got huge. However, their new audience is very tech savvy and prefers Facebook or twitter update than a mailer coming to them. This is something I did when I worked for a black owned tech company. When new advertised signed up I set up their social media channels. My bosses let me do this on the side since I worked part time for them.

Website Designer

Once again there is a high percentage of older business owners who are not tech savvy. This I know for fact when working on projects at Google. So many people would share how they didn’t know how to set up a website so they had an online presences. You do not per se need to be a developer with a plethora of coding experience. You can easily set your clients websites up on Squarespace or Wix.

Foreign Language Teacher

This might seem like another odd one on the list, but trust me its not. In college, I studied French and Arabic because I wanted to live aboard. The living aboard never happen but I wanted to brush up my french speaking skills a year ago. Hired a french student that I found off of Craigslist. She was $20 an hour. You book 5 students a day for an 1 you made $100 times five days a week that is $500. Then you can create some passive income with digital products such as; flash cards, real life situation audio tapes and more.

Pastry Baker

One thing I am not good at is baking from scratch. However, I am great at hiring people who are. If you have the talent of making of delicious treats this is a great business to start. You can start very small with your orders. Make sure you go to your local comptrollers office to see the licenses you need for a home based food business.

These are not the normal business ideas you read about. Here are some niche ideas to help you launch a biz today. | Imperfect Concepts

Personal Trainer

Are you in really great shape? Summer is the perfect time to launch a bootcamp for those who were eating their way through the Oreos bag just like me. When I am jogging or taking prayer walks through my local park I always noticed the small workout groups happening.

Tech Support

I remember a time when I was younger when I had to set up everyone’s computers or laptops plus the printers they purchased. Then when something happen even when I was away at college I got calls asking to fix said problems. More and more seniors are buying devices they are not familiar with. You can easily host workshops at your public library teaching them how to use them in addition to having tech support.

Junk Pick Up

I am let you into a little secret that only close family members know, I am low key a hoarder who likes picking stuff off the curb. I feel that at some point and time I am going to need said piece to complete the room I am decorating. Deep sigh, yes I know. However, in recent years I thought about opening up a store front that had all the curb pieces and more and having everything for less than $50. Especially, if I got said pieces for free. I found this amazing 1960 couch on the curb and my dad got it for me. I sold it on craigslist for $500 dollars. Winning.

You see ideas are plentiful for starting your business. My advice is find a problem that you need a solution to. Trust, you might not be the only having this issue. Thats the perfect business model.

Images by Monika Hibbs and Style Me Pretty

About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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