There are so many cliche statements I can share with you that you have probably heard a million times or more. Instead, I want to be more honest about life and explain why overcoming mental obstacles takes more than a cliche statement taped on your window or an affirmation here and there.
Condition To Believe
I am 28 years old and for a majority of my life I was told I was really smart and would be a lawyer. That is something my dad would say to me all the time. I even made it to the second round of Jeopardy try outs – very proud accomplishment. So I believe I am smart because my father conditioned me to believe so. However, I know that is not the same case in everyone’s household. Even teachers have told students they would grow up to be nothing.
Your mind could have likely been trained to think negative which really sucks. People don’t wake up hating a race or anything of that nature. They are taught. You have been conditioned to believe the negative thoughts on your life.
Reshape Your Thinking
In the ICB Consults newsletter series we discuss the impact of positive thinking and the removal of toxic people, lifestyles and much more. For you to overcome the mental obstacles that are hindering you from achieving your dreams, you are going to have reshape the way you think.
- Replace your negative thoughts with a scripture or positive phrase.
- De-clutter your life of toxic people
- Find an accountabilibuddy that will keep you in check
- Incorporate positive mentors, books and TV shows into your life
It’s not going to be super easy to change your thoughts. It literally almost took me three and half years to train my thoughts of defeat to triumph. One thing I learned for it to REALLY happen to you is you have to be sick tired of your victim thinking life. I literally was at the breaking point and was just over my life not going how I wanted it to go.
Accountability Partner
If you want to change your life and are serious about getting over the obstacles, you need a partner. A person you can seek out and go to. Recently, a friend called me because she said she knew I had a calm spirit and my advice would help her. We are each others partners. When we are having tough days we reach for other, even working our business ideas out. Have 2-3 close friends you can count on and they can count on you. When you feel weak and think something is too big, have them sow seeds of positivity into you. Don’t be a vampire sucker though, invest back into them.
Make overcoming your mental obstacles a priority and your life will change. As long as you are seeing life with a negative outlook – that is how it will be. You have to know its up to YOU. No one else. The only person that can change you is you.
I became a victory story and believed God was working with me to bring his purpose to life. Everyday I wake up expecting greatness. That is a game changer.
Photography image by David; imaged sourced by Flickr Creative Commons
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