How To / Startup Life

Five Tips On Streamlining Your Small Business As A Mompreneur

For the last three years, I have focused on consulting women entrepreneurs and I have learned a lot during this time. 30% of my clients are actually mompreneurs focused on building their dreams and taking care of their family at the same time. Today, I am sharing some simple tips I have given my clients to help them streamline their small business as mompreneurs. 

Involve The Kids

My clients kids range from toddler to teenager not to mention they all have 9 to 5’s they work too. Family always comes first in my book before your business. A great way to handle both is involve the kids in your business. Several of my clients have their kids helping make their products. In addition to that, the kids are at the farmers market, pop up shops and vending opportunities too. I always tell them thats part of their why and their company store lead with it. A great making tool is making shirts for your little ones to wear. Trust, adults love the kids and will have questions when they see you at the marketing selling your products.

Extend Yourself Grace

This is a huge thing no matter if you’re a mom business owner or a single solopreneur it’s important that you extend yourself grace daily. There is an affirmation that pops up on my phone daily to remind myself of this. Often times we beat ourselves up for not finishing a product, getting caught on social media or missing something with our family. Its important to say its okay and know you’re not perfect. Somedays you will be a great business owner and okay mom. There will be days you’re an amazing mom and an okay business owner.

Learn how to still balance a small business and motherhood all at the same time. | Imperfect Concepts

Ask For Help

Your kids might think you’re super mom and can handle everything on your own. However, its stronger and wiser to ask for the help you need when it comes to your life and business. One client has her parents babysit their grandkids every Friday night until Sunday morning. We implemented this because she has Friday market and Saturday Market every weekend until fall. This provides her with time to pack everything, focus on her company and much more.

There is nothing wrong with seeking help even if its to go to Starbucks for an hour by yourself. It takes a village to help raise a child and I am beating there are people that want to help.

Golden Hours

Almost all my clients have implemented my golden hours rule. The rule is pretty simple and start forward in helping you find that extra time to work on your business. 7-10 hours a week is for the golden hours of your business. You see if you can put that amount of time in weekly you can accomplish so much and still be present in your family’s life. That is waking up early or going to sleep earlier. Thats taking half days on Saturday or Sunday to work. Your golden hours are your business hours that you focus on improving your business.

Automation Of Social Media

Yes, I know you’re juggling a career, night school, family, soccer practice, bible study and your small business. This is why you need to find 1 hour a week or 4 hours a month to set up your automation. This is something I harp on for all small business owners. Its important that you have an online presence even when you cannot be online. Right now, in my Google drive I have a list compiled of pre made messages for Business Bestie. Then there is a schedule for those messages to go out between 9am-9m Sunday- Saturday. Giving me a presence online when I am focused on other projects. Then spend maybe 15-30 minutes nightly responding to the messages you received from these post. Here is how I automate my Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

These five simple tips are designed to help you grow your small business and still very much be apart of your family.

About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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