Almost a two year ago, my dear friend Katrice mentioned how an editorial calendar would be a great way for me to help hone my content for this website. Until that moment, not once did I think about treating my business like a magazine when it came to running it.
This was truly a game changer not just for the content I create on here, but also for the products I make for ICB Consults and now the content I curate for Youtube. You see treating my business like a magazine help me do three amazing things that didn’t happen before this moment.
Forecasting Content
My business is now forecasting months in advance. As for content creation (blog & video) all content is thought out almost two months out. All of the content for Imperfect Concepts TV is actually planned out for the year. I am able to think about what I should be creating months in advance. Most bloggers or Youtubers put out content that day or maybe a week in advance. When you are able to forecast trends you are able to think ahead of your audience and put out the content before the masses. One thing that brings my website hits is the content I create for holiday. We have started the process of designing, creating and shooting all content now for this subject matter.
In the last year, I have travelled almost every month for business. Each time has been to collaborate with other business owners. Either they are flying me out or I am traveling to learn. Before I would take meetings or lunches as they came. Let’s just say that makes traveling expensive even with the small business owner travel tips. Right now, I am in the midst of collaborating with the Austin Public Library on spring 2016 workshop schedule. This allows me to truly fine tune who I work with on projects and not just taking any check just because.
Providing Insight
This is most important aspects of treating my business like a magazine. Amazing magazines provide invaluable information no matter the medium you are receiving it from. You can receive it from their actual print or social media platforms they are consistent with insight. This is one thing I wanted to make sure no matter the platform either my website, social media or newsletter I wanted them to be extensions of each other. Always, providing tools and resources my audience needs to know. One of the best feelings is hearing from guys saying my content is helping them. Remember my goal is to be a source for women business owners. So, for guys to be like I really dig what you’re doing and your insight is amazing makes my heart smile.
Treating my business like a magazine has really helped me hone what I wanted to do for my business and keep it aligned for future growth. These are just some of the things it has done for