Design / Graphic Design Pretty Little Fonts When working on a new project, there are many aspects consumers, clients and the public… April 11, 2013
Interviews / People Whats In Your Bag: Gigee Marie 1. iPhone 4S 2. Aldo wallet 3. Gigee Marie Black Woven Mini 4. umbrella 5.… April 5, 2013
Design / Web Design Legal Aspect of Website Design Kim is back to give you more tips for hiring a website designer or any… March 20, 2013
Interviews / People What’s in Your Bag: NailGurl 1. Wallet 2. iPhone 3. Pouch 4. Coach Bag 5. Hand sanitizer and 5 Hour… March 15, 2013
Fashion / Style Fun at Ikea Earlier this week, my best friend Rocquelle met in Austin to hangout (aka: mainly to… March 13, 2013
Design / Graphic Design / Web Design Questions to Ask A Website Designer Hi, Loves! Today I started a new series for you my readers. Ask An Expert… March 8, 2013
Interviews / People What’s in Your Bag: Colleen 1. Sunglasses 2. Keys. 3. Rume Pouch 4. Metro Card 5. Lipglosses 6. Entrepreneur Magazine… March 1, 2013
Advice / People February in Review Beanie: H&M {similar}, Scarf: Louis Vuitton Leopard Stole, Mango: Denim Shirt, Jeans: Zara, Shoes: Louis… February 28, 2013
Interviews / People What’s in Your Bag: Lily Kai 1. House of Harlow Sunnies 2. iphone 3. Abas Wallet 4. ipad mini and square… February 1, 2013