How To / Startup Life

Run a Business Classroom

Your business is not always going to run smoothly. Obviously when you expand your business, and get more employees or freelancers, things will become much more unruly. If you own a business that requires people to make deadlines, stay organized or plan ahead, this article is for you. We are talking about running your business like a classroom, and we will help you formulate your business’ syllabus!

The Syllabus:

  • Required Texts and Materials: For this section of your company’s syllabus, include all of the books and articles you would like to read. Check out Goodreads.com for more literature that will help your business. List blogs that you would like to research and subscribe to. Write down any technology that you want to buy for your business such as cameras, webcams, merchandise, websites, or apps. List the employees that you will need to hire. This is the space where you outline the essential materials for running your business.
  • Description: Describe your business in 3-4 sentences. What is your target market? Are you an ecommerce or do you have a storefront? What is your general style? Do you have any plans to expand?  
  • Goals: List out at least five goals for the year. Whether they are based on increasing your site’s views or increasing your revenue, list them here. Make sure you are specific. Check out ICB’s Business Growth Planner–a great tool for monitoring when you reach your goals, and when/how to set new ones.
  • Grades: Grades are for your employees. In this section, outline what it takes for an employee to be a “good” employee. Outline the difference between passing and going above and beyond.
  • Projects: List all the projects you want to complete by the end of the year. Do you want to have a website? Do you want to redo your look book? Do you want to hire and form a relationship with a business consultant? Do you want to learn how to code a website? Dream big!
  • Consequences (missed assignments, participation and other issues): What problems are you going to run into. The best way to stop a problem is to handle it before it even begins. What happens to employees who don’t turn in their projects on time? What do you do if your site gets hacked? What do you do if there is a customer complaint? Think about the worst-case scenario, and be aware of what could happen. Protect your business.  
  • Electronic Submission Policy: This can embody your shopping cart on your ecommerce site, how employees or customers send you their materials online, and how you accept and disperse payment. It’s just something that will give you a headache if you don’t think it through early.
  • Integrity Policy: You want everyone you work with, both customers and employees to be honest, respectful and kind. I recommend writing out a integrity policy that says, “if you cant be nice, don’t even attempt to be part of my company.”
  • Vision: Your business’ vision should be in your business plan. What is your vision for your company? What are your personal beliefs and how does that play out in how you handle your business?
  • Homework: Outline all the assignments you want done from yourself and your employees. Do you want five blog posts every week? Who is doing the graphics for the months to come? When are you sending out email newsletters? Are you writing any ebooks?
  • Schedule: Use iCal or another application to save all of your deadlines, events, and meetings. This is the best way to keep track of your business’ life. It’s important to stay as organized as possible to prevent total chaos.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. It was very fun for me to write, and put everything in perspective. Run your business like a classroom, and you will reap the rewards.


About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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