Design / Guidebook

Guide To Writing An eBook

Over the last couple of weeks, we have discussed the process of creating digital products for your business. I want to note that you don’t have to be a service business for this. You can be product based. If you’re an expert on a subject, you can create a digital product to help bring in a passive income for your business. Read up on these series: Transitioning From Retail To Consulting, The Creative Process of Digital Products, and Digital Products For Service Based Business.

Several people said if I launched an eCourse or eBook on how to write an eBook they would buy it immediately. I’m thankful for an audience that sees me as an expert, let a lone, on creating this type of product. This guide to writing an eBook is going to be basic but very in-depth.

Brainstorm It All Out

When I launched my first eBook, it birth 4 other eBooks for me. Don’t feel like you need to confine all of your information to one book. Yes, you can have a dense 300 page eBook but most people don’t want to read a self-help book that is super long whether it’s on launching a product, shirt line, or how to design a website. The longest eBook I have read in regards to a “how to or how to launch” was 50 pages. It was very in-depth and had great design elements. Grab a piece of paper and write your main thought at the top of the page. Then add the “branches” to create sub-products for your business.

Teaching you how you can take one idea and turn into multiple digital products

The Writing Process

I believe that we all need constant motivation to push forward. There are days you will feel really creative and others you won’t. I want to run a 10K which we all know that’s not going to happen.This doesn’t have to be a Harvard dissertation that you’re writing. Remove that from your mind. When do you feel the most creative? Hit the iron while its hot. When I listen to Meek Mills or Jeezy I feel super motivated to write non-stop. All of my ebooks were actually written on paper first. It worked for me. If the actual writing with pencil is not for you, that’s okay. Writing in Microsoft Word works too.

Outline The Thoughts

All eBooks need structure; taking your audience from point to point. Having hierarchy to the content that they are reading. All of the eBooks listed above have a table of contents. Some of my other new products just have hierarchy text over each section, but most importantly, they all flow from one to another. There is no confusion. Make sure each aspect of your eBook goes from page to another. Don’t skip topics thinking your audience will know. When you were a novice did you know? Chances are neither does your audience. It won’t hurt to go remedial on a particular point, they will appreciate your thoroughness.

Hiring An Editor

After you have written your book and have personally edited it to your liking, hire someone. You can be a Yale English scholar and still need an editor to fine tune your thoughts. They will make sure it truly is a cohesive book for others to read. There is a very popular Christian social media lady who has an eBook out, and you can tell she skipped out on an editor. It’s great to write in your “voice” to be authentic, however, when writing a book you’re selling to the public you need an editor. You can find freelancers on Odesk or Fiverr.

Sharing step by step insight on how you can write an ebook to sell for passive income

Designing Your Book

Hire a graphic designer. Outsource this process. Those are my thoughts on the subject. You have created the product, find someone who gets your vision and relinquish the process to them. This frees up your time. Search on Fiverr, Odesk, Taskrabbit, and social media.

Pricing Your eBook

Pricing can be tricky. When I launched my eBooks, I started them at $35 because I truly believed and still believe that’s what they’re worth. Lesson learned. People don’t want to spend that type of money on a digital product. This was my PERSONAL experience. In addition, I’ve seen some other creators who had high-priced products reduce their cost too. My digital products range from $5 to $20. This is a great price point range, not only for me but for the consumers. You don’t want to strain your customers pockets.

Selling Your eBook

When I first started all of my eBooks were listed on Gumroad, because I didn’t understand how to sell products on my own platform. Now you can buy digital products directly on ICB Consults, Etsy, and Gumroad. This year, I added Etsy as another option where my audience could purchase at. What’s so great is that a new audience of people are being introduced to my product. There are so many platforms to sell on. Most platforms offer a “digital” option now as well.

This is my comprehensive free guide on writing an eBook. Now, I’ll turn it into a slide share and blast it all over social media. lol

Photography Image by Amy 

About Author

Imperfect Concepts is the premier destination for the creative women business owners looking for how to guides, tips, motivation & inspiration.

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