It’s very important to maximize your network when running a small business. Attending social gatherings or networking events is much more than tweeting that you are there or taking a selfie. Going to the event with a game plan will help you maximize your network. To increase your net worth you need to increase your network. Meet new people. Connect with people who are striving for excellence. No one should be in the same place they were last year after making connections.
Create Goals
When attending local events, set goals for the number of people you want to connect with. These should be SMART Goals that help you connect with others and foster deeper relationships. Set a main goal of meeting 5 new people, then create a sub goal to speak with people who are wearing a certain color, who are of a certain race, or whom have a specific hair color. Create any sub goal that will help you get to the main goal quicker.
Ask The Right Questions
Watching the news or picking the top headlines for the day come in handy. Ask how did they hear about the event? You might find a new resource! Ask if they know the speakers or what brought them out to the event. Need to catch up on the news quick? Subscribe to The Skimm.
Research Attendees
Investigate who you are about to be in close proximity to! A numerous conferences tell you who will be attending from speakers to the attendees. Do research on everyone you want to meet. Check their LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook profiles. I am always flattered when people said they were interested in meeting me. This will give you great questions to ask when conversing with them.
Connect On Social Media
Follow and Engage! I can’t say this enough. Don’t be the person with your hand out that has never supported fiscally or whose attempts at engaging are non-existent. Connect with others on social media. Makes it easier to chat in real life. Start learning what is going on in their life. Read — Creating Meaningful Networking Connections.
Thank-You’s & Follow-Ups
Make sure you personally thank the person hosting the event. Share why you loved it. Follow up with everyone you met in a 24-36 hour window. Reference talking points from your conversation. This will help them remember who you are. Also, handwriting thank you notes puts a special touch on a follow-up. Read — Power of Thank You Cards
How can you utilize these 5 tips to help ensure you maximize your next networking event to the fullest?